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  • Writer's pictureMarina Milic

The magic of Spring

Updated: Sep 28, 2019

Spring is absolutely one of the most charming seasons – is there anything more beautiful than watching the trees come to life after a long gloomy winter? Or catching the scent of blooming flowers as they fill the air? Living in the UAE, has indeed, made me miss the change of seasons, however I was so happy to spend 2 weeks at home (in Serbia) to really enjoy the beauty of Spring.

I loved the crisp fresh air, as it bid goodbye to the icy wind, and the sun warmed up the earth. Fruit trees started budding, flowers awoke after a harsh chilly winter, and vibrant colours transformed my camera with beautiful pictures! For all those who miss the magic of Spring, enjoy this collage 🙂



Disclaimer: All views are my own and all photographs are © My Sweet Escapes. 

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